A productivity app on both the Play Store and the App Store. Built with Flutter, Firebase, and RevenueCat.
John Wehrle introduction
A productivity app on both the Play Store and the App Store. Built with Flutter, Firebase, and RevenueCat.
Sync notes and checklists across iOS and Android devices. Collaborate with others in real time.
Notes have text and paragraph formatting, links, image links
Beautifully responsive checklists automatically sort items as youu check them off, drag and drop reordering, check-all, uncheck all, and more.
You assign each tag a color, that color is blended into the background of every note and checklist to which it is applied. Change text color to preserve readability for you against these backdrops.
A version of the ValueNotifier class built for Lists, Sets, and Maps with handy extensions. Perfect for custom controllers.
Modular and selectable buttons, chips, and cards that focus on labeled icons, implicit animations, customizability linked into your .